… people will forget what you said,

people will forget what you did, but

people will never forget how you made them feel.

- Maya Angelou

Early pandemic work life

I aim to be of service

I am a first-generation Canadian from the beautiful city of Ottawa, Ontario. My DNA can tolerate the deep heat, but I would prefer not to, instead preferring the gorgeous autumns and white winters.

I grew up in a family that loved to get together with friends, and work together to help people.

My first forays into Service Design began at my first restaurant job after highschool. That experience still informs my daily tasks. A server’s life needs a regular injection of laughter and delight behind the scenes, that’s for sure.

“None of us is as smart as all of us.”

— Ken Blanchard

I’ve learned that there’s no such thing as the one smartest person in the room. We’re all smarter working collaboratively.

Leading workshops, working in cross-disciplinary teams, learning from and with interns. I enjoy lifting people up and bringing them together.

Carrying a heavy load is easier together.

Hallowe’en hijinx

Fields of experience

  • Enterprise Software (SAP & Visier)

  • E-commerce Platform (Best Buy Canada)

  • Government Agency Services (WorkSafeBC)

  • Word Processing & Image Editing Software (Corel Corporation)


  • Architectural Design (Bachelor of Architectural Studies)

  • Interior Design

  • Mechanical Engineering

Random data points

  • My mother tongue is English. I can speak conversational French (after having lived in Paris for 2 years) and can understand most Tagalog.

  • Manila, Philippines

    Ottawa, ON, Canada

    Paris, France

    Vancouver, BC, Canada

  • Flying

    • The feeling of flying would be awesome!

    • Avoid finding and paying for parking

    • Quicker travel times

    • Reduce my carbon footprint

  • Hearing people’s thoughts / reading minds. No thank you.

    Although: it might come in handy during usability test moderation ;)

  • Henri Matisse, Ben Kingsley, Donna Summer, Tina Turner, Matthew Perry, Raquel Welch, Lisa Marie Presley, Tony Bennett, Bob Barker

  • As evidenced from my website: plum, magenta, fuchsia, wine, etc... So pretty.

  • Obviously, dogs before cats. But I have loved 2 cats and a hamster in this life.